Sayed Mohamad Ali El Husseini: Jerusalem is the capital of peace and humanity
Sayed El Husseini: Jerusalem is the capital of peace and humanity as well
We have noted with great concerns the bloody events and developments related to the Al-Aqsa Mosque n addition to escalating conflict and the violent tension accompanied with bloodshed and grudges. We need to emphasize that Jerusalem is a city of the divine revelation and peace, it was and will remain the Holy City of Moses, Jesus and Mohammed (peace be upon them) without any differentiation or disagreement and none of the Ibrahimian religions can impose exclusion or marginalize or rejection of other religions.
As we express our deep regret for the climate of tension and emotional intensification against peaceful coexistence and rapprochement of religions in Jerusalem and which is the basis and axis and the essence of the three religions and their main source, we call from our Islamic position to reject all kinds of hatred and exclusion t others which can not serve the sublime purposes of any of the three religions, and to the extent that he such a violent action can damage all 3 religions at the same time, especially when there is a aggressive approach based on the logic of force, violence and cruelty.
We, from our Islamic position , strongly reject the resort to force and violence and such extremists practices and actions that obscure reason and logic, and harm tolerant values and religious principles. Therefore, we call strongly everyone to deal with the currents incidents with high level of tolerance in order to preserve peaceful coexistence between religions, which is the secret and the basis of the sustainability of life and love and humanitarian harmony.
The Jerusalem has achieved for centuries its holiness and appreciation by all religions alike, accordingly no political party must exploit of Jerusalem for personal purposes and political interests using extremism and terrorism.
In the Arab Islamic Council in Lebanon, we call to adopt Jerusalem as the capital of tolerance and love and peaceful coexistence. And, also, we demand at the same time the people running political projects in the region and the world to stay away from this city, and not to use such a holy city for their personal purposes and narrow objectives, and let it be the will of God.
Sayyed Mohammad Ali El Husseini
Secretary-General of the Arab Islamic Council in Lebanon