• الموقع : موقع سماحة العلامة السيد محمد علي الحسيني .
        • القسم الرئيسي : لغات أخرى .
              • القسم الفرعي : English .
                    • الموضوع : Sayed Mohamad El Husseini: Moderation is the Approach to God’s Religion, and Extremism is the Behavior of the Wicked Dears .

Sayed Mohamad El Husseini: Moderation is the Approach to God’s Religion, and Extremism is the Behavior of the Wicked Dears

Sayed Mohamad El Husseini: Moderation is the Approach to God’s Religion, and Extremism is the Behavior of the Wicked Dears

 most of the religious texts found in the holy books of the Bible, the Torah, and the Quran such as: is the core of the religious dialogue
Yet unfortunately, there are some people who believe that such religious discourse is a sign of weakness and is of no relevance to them.
They insist on evil practicing, injustice, killing the innocents, abusing children and women and exiling people as well as practicing oppression and tyranny.
 They do not obey righteousness and do not believe in values of love, peace, tolerance and reverting to right by means of reason, wisdom and religion.
 They have also abused some exceptionally aggressive religious texts and made them go along with their evil deeds; building on the only perspective they understand that is the logic of power.
 This logic was initially devoted to deter such people from their injustice. This is the reason behind the existence of such religious texts in the holy books and in fact they are meant to address such wicked people

  • المصدر : http://www.mohamadelhusseini.com/subject.php?id=329
  • تاريخ إضافة الموضوع : 2017 / 04 / 13
  • تاريخ الطباعة : 2025 / 02 / 7