to defend humanity before repeating the Jewish Holocaust.
Sayed Mohamad El Husseini: What happened in the Jewish holocaust not burn Jews only, in fact it burned the rights which God has honored
Islam holds an exceptional importance of human beings was allocated the place and great status and dignity and starting made him the best of creation, we find in the Qura'an and many of the verses that talk about this in the saying of Almighty God: { and indeed We have honoured the Children of Adam, and We have carried them on land and sea, and have provided them with At-Taiyibat (lawful good things), and have preferred them above many of those whom We have created with a marked preference .} which indicates that God, rights and mocked him all the assets to honor and glorification. And in any other: {We have indeed created man in the best of moulds,} Indicates that God, best create rights and the whole and a reassuring and His Grace from other creatures. We also note the divine providence, were in the same human rights regardless of belief or religion, nationality or color, the ruling is is the rights which he classified us Ali Bin Abi Taleb (p) saying: "People are two kinds, a brother in religion or for you in the creation ", this indicates the rights in its entirety the counterparts of his fellow human beings. More than reason take me in this verse: {Whoever kills a person unjustly, it is as though he has is interchangeable with all of mankind "}, This verse to demonstrate how the tolerant Islamic sharia intervened in the question of the inviolability of human rights were killed and initiated explicit provisions for the punishment of the severe retribution, killing without the right of the corruption of humanity and affect the security and the safety of human rights and his life and society, and has forbidden by God in all religions and is mindful of the Islamic Shariah, in particular in the bloodshed and the inviolability of murder evidence of the legitimacy of the unknown in the book and the year we find that killing one of the deadly sins and has threatened the almighty God is great penalties indicate the God's wrath impoverished multiplier and immortality in hell unworthily, because in the killing of restraint whatever this restraint and affiliations The killer had killed all humanity as in the verse above. From here, what happened in the Jewish holocaust but in fact not burn Jews religious loyalty, but had burned the rights by God and the campus of killing him and his murderer description that killed all the people, the major organized crime is not spared the child and women do not large and small start it remained a mark of disgrace in the history of humanity, I am not here in the shrine of the confirmation or denial or diving in details and particles but I mean the lesson and consideration linking the past and present . When I visited the memorial of the Jewish holocaust in Europe, but I visited in fact a means for me as a human being that the Holocaust and humanity, because if did not feel his brother rights as the imam Ali of the unparalleling in the creatures, this means that it is not of Adam and Eve, matter to human beings, the cow when you see her sister slaughtered before it rebelled and arise and refuses what is happening on her sister because it knows that the butcher will then stops and the role moved to come out and did not have mercy on her sister will not one moment please, what is happening to us today in the Holocaust and human rights in Iraq and Syria and Lebanon and Yemen and Egypt and Palestine we should be fully aware that the Jewish Holocaust humanity reaching us if shiver at and as our humanity Furlough the role we announced this all bannar incitement excommunication and the biggest loser stain on our meaning and mind humanitarian law. From here, you rights roll with sibling's rights and blenched for humanity through stopping the bloodshed and the mouth because the ideas obscurantism in vain, and extinguished the fire of the Holocaust that erupted almost does not discriminate between one human being and other. O Jew, O Christian, O Muslim, Arise all together hand in hand to stand against all the monster wants to undermine who we are and touch the humanity of the Holocaust does not and will not be repeated and should be calling us because we should move towards all who hold obscurantism and ideology bad ideas that allow human them killed.